Monday, 22 January 2018

[MTGO] 'Darefire' Deck in Action, part 2.

Started first, did mulligan but after that opening hand was nice.

i put Vampire Nighthawk summoning spell card on top of my Library.

Sol Ring & Dark Ritual early added speed, perhaps these decided for a victory - as every turn matters, even one turn can turn the tide of a battle.

Timing-wise, preferred to use direct damage / Lightning Bolt / to get rid of the Hypnotic Specter threat on table quickly - gaining speed, applying pressure psychology & tactic, and to play Olivia's Bloodsworn earlier than Stromkirk Captain.

Opponent lost two cards for one / Hypnotic Specter & Dark Ritual for Lightning Bolt /, so i was happy & enthusiastic - in future, i should be calmer & more patient in play.

There was also a risk of creature removal spells used to bypass blockers, as well - which would result in me losing a card from hand.

The red mana needed for haste ability for Stromkirk Captain came just in time, so i got ahead with two points of damage earlier. But statistical-wisdom-wise, i should play this differently.

Clearly, the better solution would be to play Stromkirk Captain in the same turn, and to summon & play Olivia's Bloodsworn's haste ability on itself before attack - so it could attack on it's coming turn, as well.

Constant damage every turn accumulated, so i won in 6 turns - it's fairly quick, considering it wasn't a Solitaire.

Had a Life Total well-over 20 at a moment of victory, as well.

With more calmness, patience & reason i could do 6 more points of damage in the same amount of turns.

At the endgame i didn't play land, even if i could ... preferring to keep mana & card in hand to keep opponent guessing whether i have an instant spell.

As a note - attacking with non-flying Stromkirk Captain when Phyrexian Obliterator was on table would be a mistake, as it would be blocked and i would have to sacrifice two of my permanents.

Preferred to use Flying Vampires to finish him earlier.

Last turn i had mana to play the Bloodline Keeper, hasten it, produce a token, fifth Vampire, then transform for additional damage from attackers.

Probably i should / it had more of advantages than disadvantages /, but i had no patience - i need to work on that.

While time & pressure is also resource, solid decisions & reasoning are well-worth of that little time spent for such.

Lack of patience & calmness in any of card games is the serious error, so i should find a way to improve in these ways - perhaps by meditating on braeth & light.

See also, if You wish: 'Darefire', a Deck.

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