Friday, 19 January 2018

[MTGO] A thought exercise: How to win in 1st or 2nd Turn.

There are Vintage format decks that can win in 1st turn, using very expensive cards that i cannot afford for now.

These involve Black Lotus, Moxen, Timetwister, Hurkyl's Recall, Tendrils of Agony.

To increase mana & draw neccessary cards, there's need for many more of the expensive cards.

Optimistically, it can be played that way:

1st Turn (7 cards beginning):

1. Black Lotus,
2. 5x Moxen,
3. Timetwister (Paid with Black Lotus),
4. Draw Mana from all of the Moxen,
4. Hurkyl's Recall,
5. 5x Moxen,
6. Tendrils of Agony (defeats opponent, considering accumulated storm).

... Victory.

Winning in 2nd turn is still too expensive for me - as there's need for Moxen.

Here's how it can be played, on condition that proper cards arrive in a proper order:

1st turn (7 cards beginning):

1. Swamp,
2. Dark Ritual,
3. 3x Tormented Hero,
4. Mox Sapphire,
5. Ancestral Recall,
5. Mox Jet,
6. Mox Ruby.
7. Incinerate at opponent (reduces his or her life to 17 points).

2nd Turn:

1. Attack with 3x Tormented Hero (reduces his or her life to 11 ponts),
2. Timetwister (paid with Swamp, Mox Sapphire & Mox Jet),
3. Black Lotus,
4. 4x Lightning Bolt at opponent (paid with Mox Ruby & Black Lotus - reduces his or her life
to -1 points).

... Victory.

It's too optimistic to rely on these cards alone, but there are ways to increase mana with Hurkyl's Recall & other tricks, there are ways to draw selected cards from library too.

It can be countered easily with Pyroclasm that destroys Tormented Heroes, and in many other ways.

But in reality, it's just a thought-exercise, not much more.

My decks usually aim to win in 4-6 turns, perhaps in 3rd - when cards favour us & when unopposed.

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