[STORY] Attentus, pre-planeswalking.


Before ascending to a Planeswalker state, Attentus was an enchanter mage.

This is a short summary of his tale, of what happened before, and of how he ascended.

Earliest Past.

For many llves, Attentus was dabbling in alchemy & magick, with each of a new incarnations he had more & more talent.

He started to get renown, and get involved in Arcane Politics.

Then he reincarnated in Faerûn, as a farmer's son.

Attentus, apprentice of Versutus.

Attentus would be a farmer boy, if not his Master, Versutus.

He was a strange boy who heard the voices of long-dead village ancestors, was shunned & feared by other villagers.

His parents loved him and worried, and shielded, sheltered from the world.

Then a middle-aged mage came to his parents and after a long-evening of talk persuaded them to give him a boy for raising & training - under a magician's training his 'curse' will transform to a 'gift', and he will shine that way.

Versutus charmed the parents, subtly during the conversation.

Parents relucantly agreed, and were paid in gold by Versutus.

Attentus went to a lonely tower near Waterdeep where he learned simple chores, philosophy, diplomacy, alchemy, and many other mundane and arcane skills.

He was trained in the Art of Magick, and followed his natural inclination to be Enchanter, which was a powerful synergy with his Charisma, Diplomacy, and Political skillset.

Most important parts of his enchanter's training were 'Charm Person' & 'Hold Person' spells.

-=- Attentus meditating in a seizan position, by a waterfall, -=-

-=- his Raven Familiar, Visage, flying about. -=-

Then he passed an Arcane Test, earned a Magus Rank, and left Versutus in pursuit of his own, better hopefully, future.

Attentus arrived in Narfell, in a barbarian village of Norwick.

Narfell had a past of Ancient Magickal Empire, full of mysteries and artifacts - but barbarian villagers did not trust Attentus initially.

Over many years Attentus became known and well recognized mage of a local arcane guild, Spellweaver Keep.

He sought witches for love, and endured a tragic romance with a Kara-Turan witch, Ruri Hasegawa. She died by a demon curse, who plotted and made her suffer - forcing Attentus to land a killing blow on her. Attentus suffered greatly, and a Vrock Demon tormented him for years.

Years of solitude & desperation, then another romance - with a conjurer witch of unseelie fey blood, Wethrillina Aeliath. Romance lasted a while, and one of it's flowers was - political work for benefit of local arcane societes. Two arcane guilds combined into a larger whole, under leadership of Attentus & Wethrillina.

Eventually this romance fell apart, Wethrillina left, and Attentus remained in Narfell for a few more decades.

Some of more or less meaningless adventures & romance attempts - then a magickal accident occured.

Attentus' longevity failed him, he turned old and fell into ashes in a mere few of a days.

After Death.

Being ungodly & faithless - but not to extreme - he ended down in a Wall of Faithless for unknown time, then was freed by an unknown entity.

In otherworlds, under a spiritual entity, he was taught the importance of spirituality and it's uses in magick.

He started to serve gods to gain advantage over them, to increase wisdom as well.

He still challenged gods, but more wisely now.

Ascension into the Planeswalking.

When he was wise enough, planeswalking powers were granted to him by an unknown entity that freed him from the wall, and he was send to Dominaria - and left ignored by higher powers for a while.

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